Horse Care in Winter

During the coldest months of the year, it’s crucial to provide horses with the proper care to ensure their well-being. To achieve this, certain essential guidelines should be followed.   Hydration and Feeding: During winter, it’s essential to ensure that horses have access to clean,...
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Why is hay so important for horses?

Why is hay so important for horses?

Like for any living being, eating is a way to ingest nutrients to survive. But simply eating whatever will not necessarily guarantee a horse’s good health. A balanced diet of grass and hay is key to keep their bodies functioning properly.   Hay plays a huge role in a horse’s diet and it’s...
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Baby horse and mother horse

Fun facts about baby horses

Horses are incredible interesting animals. Just like you, we find them to be extremely adorable when they are babies. Here are some fun facts about baby horses you probably didn’t know:   A baby horse is called a foal Horses in their early stages of life have many different names. The most po...
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