Horse Care in Winter

During the coldest months of the year, it’s crucial to provide horses with the proper care to ensure their well-being. To achieve this, certain essential guidelines should be followed.   Hydration and Feeding: During winter, it’s essential to ensure that horses have access to clean,...
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5 funny things about horses

5 Funny Things about Horses

Horses have a very funny side. They can look like serious and boring animals, and then they show us very funny faces.   These are 5 Funny Things about Horses:   1. Showing their upper teeth: The result is they look like they are having a good laugh. What they are doing is called a [&hellip...
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horse riding

How to Ride a Horse Safely

It has been proven that being in connection with animals generates multiple benefits for the human mind and body. Ride a Horse is no exception.   Among the benefits we get from horse riding are correcting our posture, increasing muscle strength, boosting our confidence, coordination and reflexe...
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