Horse Care in Winter

During the coldest months of the year, it’s crucial to provide horses with the proper care to ensure their well-being. To achieve this, certain essential guidelines should be followed.   Hydration and Feeding: During winter, it’s essential to ensure that horses have access to clean,...
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Horses' eating and drinking habits

Horses: Their Eating and Drinking Habits

Embarking on a horseriding adventure is a journey that connects us with horses and their wellbeing. Horses have a unique digestive system and require constant access to food and water to remain healthy. As natural grazers, horses are used to small frequent meals. This behavior is not lost during the...
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Strengthening of Horses with Swimming

Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can provide many benefits for horses. It is particularly useful for horses that are recovering from injuries, have joint problems, or need to build up their stamina and strength. Additionally, swimming can be a fun and refreshing activity for horses, especially...
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