Baby horse and mother horse

Fun facts about baby horses

Horses are incredible interesting animals. Just like you, we find them to be extremely adorable when they are babies. Here are some fun facts about baby horses you probably didn’t know:   A baby horse is called a foal Horses in their early stages of life have many different names. The most po...
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Horses nose

Horses Sense of Smell

Like all animals, horses have all their senses highly developed, to a level that humans could not comprehend. A stallion is able to smell a mare in heat at a distance of approximately one kilometer. Like dogs, horses are introduced through smell, they smell each other, getting to know each other fro...
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horse psychology

Horse Psychology

Although there are many types of horses, even today they all share certain common and universal characteristics as a result of their evolution, imprinted in their genetic code, which are what give them their own identity as a horse. Below we will describe some of the main characteristics of horse ps...
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